Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Compare And Contrast Dogen And Hakuin - 1419 Words
Marilyn Montemayor Warner Belanger GC2Y Sec 06 May 4, 2016 Final essay: Dogen and Hakuin Compare and Contrast There are multiple schools in Zen Buddhism as well as multiple masters and teachers. Dogen Kigen, master of Soto Zen (1200-1253), as well as the Japanese monk who brought Caodong school of Chan over from China to Japan and then greatly modified it based on his own insights and criticism of Buddhism in Japan. Dogen lost his parents at a young age and became ordained at thirteen, and then became student of Eisai’s disciples, Myozen (1184-1225). Another master was Hakuin Ekaku (1686-1769), Ordained at fourteen and given the name Ekaku which means â€Å"Wise Crane†. Hakuin is known for revitalizing the koan practice of the Rinzai School, which focused on â€Å"observing the key word†. Dogen founded the Soto school of Buddhism in Japan, which stressed silent sitting and a gradual path to enlightenment. Hakuin was a major critic of Soto Zen and believed that it was a fixation on emptiness rather than a path to enlighte nment. However, Hakuin did agree with Soto s accessibility to the common people since it was more popular among lower class people. Both Hakuin and Dogen were important leaders and though their approaches were vastly different each made a lasting impact on Zen Buddhism in Japan. The foundation of Soto Zen began during Dogens voyage to china when he started to question the effectiveness of the Koan practice. Dogen was the first in Zen to focus on intensive
Monday, December 16, 2019
Freedom and Equality Free Essays
Although freedom and equality are values that American’s hold dear to their hearts, they are difficult to enforce to an entire nation from the perspective of the US government. Freedom was easier breaking from the colonial days to a new constitutional government, one reason was because there was less people to govern, and secondly because only first class citizens (white male) had any true freedom to do whatever they we interested in. This was the case because all men were not created equal in the eyes of the wealthy white make, obviously I am generalizing, women and African Americans had a very difficult time even asking for the right to vote in the so-called free country. We will write a custom essay sample on Freedom and Equality or any similar topic only for you Order Now This being said true equality has never been mastered by the US Government, or any other governing body for that matter. The US today is still torn over the right to marry whomever you chose. This should be a no brainer in a country that prides itself on values of freedom and equality. Throughout the history of the United States government, I believe that equality has taken strides to encompass more and more people. I believe that equality is progress, and in this case it is progressing much further than freedom has. Most recently in this last decade or so since 9/11, freedoms have been stripped from civilians in order to promote safety. Under amendments such as the Patriot Act, the Executive branch has taken certain privacy freedoms from the citizens, informing us that the reason is to protect the Land of the Free. Quite a double standard when it comes to freedom and a governing body. If the citizens were to have every freedom that they so chose, without moral consideration, than laws would not be abided and the local or National governments would not have the freedom to enforce such laws that keep society running smoothly. How to cite Freedom and Equality, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Communication Skills Essay Example For Students
Communication Skills Essay Communication is one of the most important aspects in everyone’s lives. I am currently an engineering major, which means good communication skills are more than necessary in my field. While I am comfortable with most forms of communication, there are times when I struggle to express my thoughts. One form of communication, would be online communication. I am especially comfortable communicating online through social media, as well as through email. To me, communicating through the internet is easy, since I get a chance to thoroughly process my thoughts, before I type them down. It is easy for me to establish what kind of tone I should use for different types of people online. An example of this would be using emoticons and abbreviations online correspondence with friends, as opposed to writing out every word when I am corresponding professionally. Although I am most comfortable through online communication, I prefer, and am best at carrying a one-on-one conversation. I’m good at reading and expressing myself through body language. I can quickly read facial expressions, and understand how the person I’m having a conversation with is feeling. Therefore, I can easily reciprocate, and contribute to the conversation. An example of this would be the time when my grandpa was terminally, ill and my mom did not know how to break the news to me. I was able to tell how nervous she was before announcing the news, just by watching her actions. I was able to tell she had bad news, because she did not look me in the eyes and could not focus on what she was doing. As stated above, I can work with most forms of communication. However, I have yet to master the communication skills of public speaking. I struggle with this form of communication, asI have stage fright. I would rather speak to a small group of people, than to a large crowd. An example of when I had trouble with public speaking, was when I had to give a 5 minute presentation to my engineering class. I was well prepared, and I knew the information well. However, when I stood in front of my peers, I mixed up the information, and was too nervous to execute what I had prepared. Im sure I can overcome this with a few more presentations, and master public speaking. Communication skills are important. I possess the ability to converse online, in person, and in public.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Parent Essays (253 words) - Parenting, Feeling, Qualia, Childhood
Parent What does the word parent mean to you? The definition of this word is, one who begets, gives birth to, or nurtures and raises a child; a father or a mother. Yet, one interprets this word difrently depending on what life has had to offer us. Many people agree with the denotation of the word parent. ?To me parents are those who raised me?, states Ela Hernandez. Parents are people who guide you throughout life. It's someone who loves their child no matter what and takes care of them. Watching and nurturing one owns child is what a parent is. ?Because my parents are there since I was an infant I must say that I consider them my teachers on life? confesses AJ Vega. ?Parents are the people that I know are there for me no matter what I do. They are their for me through any situation, be it physically, mentally or spiritually?, says Carlos Hernandez. Despite the fact that the word parent is usually positive to all, part of the population feels extremely different. Some parents are overbearing, demanding, and contradicting. Many parents say that grades truly do not matter; yet, once report cards come along it's a different story. ?Parents are usually never satisfied with anything we do?, said Christina Cruz. In conclusion, different people have gone through different experience making their view the one word parent diversely unique. Some experiences are positive while others are negative making their knowledge and feelings towards the word resemble their experiences. English Essays
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Best e-commerce paper topics for students to choose from and excel
Best e-commerce paper topics for students to choose from and excel Choose Outstanding E-Commerce Paper Topics from the List Do not be embarrassed when you have to choose a topic for your academic assignment yourself! We can offer you a range of e-commerce paper topics and you can always adhere to the one that appeals to your ambitions, interests, and knowledge. Check on the most popular e-commerce paper topics and decide which one you will take for your next assignment.Information system and e-commerce Introduction to the world of a-commerceInternet business: e-commerce Air AsiaE-commerce monsters: Alibaba and EbayE-commerce software: how to differentiate between the types The most efficient business model of e-commerce E-commerce: a brief lookSecurity issues with e-commerce Business analysis in the field of e-commerce Electronic commerce and e-commerce: are they the same?E-commerce: security threats Global market and the role of e-commerce Starbucks: effects of e-commerce E-commerce: profitable types of businessE-commerce: Fedex M-commerce vs. e-commerce E-commerce: B2c vs. B2b E-commerce: present-day b oost Internet and development of e-commerce High technology companies and e-commerce: are they the same or different? Mobil telecommunication: innovative models of business Evaluation of the strategy development in e-commerce â€Å"Third world†e-commerce: doubtful prospects or promising development? E-commerce packages for awareness and training E-commerce: global impact of societiesAmazon case study: to a global service provider from a book seller Online shopping: are there only joys? Business and jobs get closer to the InternetE-commerce acceptance: b2c Impacts of online shopping on retail businessE-commerce: most essential ethical and legal issues on the internet E-commerce: introduction to the historical background Javascript and how it is used online How to start an online business: introduction Evolution of e-commerce Why intellectual property is an important aspect of e-commerce Priceline Company: what is the rational self-interest? E-commerce: advantages, benefits, and main purposeCompetitiveness in an e-commerce businessElectronic business transactions or e-commerce: business transactions between companies (b2b), business between companies and consumers (b2c) and transactions between consumers (c2c)Amazon business: analysis and evaluation of profits The perspectives of e-commerceInternet commerce regulation: privacy policy on the internet and the impact of the government on the contentUS tendencies in the electronic commerce: development and peculiar featuresE-commerce in the USA: analysis of the historical backgroundE-commerce: why is it important for the business world?E-commerce: efficiency and benefits E-commerce and implementation of marketing strategiesE-commerce: introductory part and analysis of the present-day situation Analysis of fast growth in the development of Internet facilities in the field of applications for e-commerce and e-business E-commerce: a brief review and analysis Conventional marketplace transactions and how they get additional value from e-commerce Analysis of the fields of retail clothing industry and e-commerce E-commerce business solutions: research and outputs How to start an e-commerce businessE-commerce in the present-day society: going back to the sources Electronic commerce: analysis of benefits and key features that the US consumers can enjoyE-commerce in the world of business: history and modern tendencies Introduction to e-commerce and its relation to the marketing strategies E-commerce: background and economic impact Efficiency of protecting privacy on the Internet and in the field of e-commerceE-commerce as a newly emerging sphere Advantages of e-commerce under the conditions of modern lifeE-businesses: main types availableE-commerce and marketing strategy under the effect of technological advancement Online gambling: analysis of the situation in the USA E-commerce: how to reach more clients? Hazards of Internet: insecurity and lack of information privacy Is the Internet imp ortant for modern business?E-commerce business analysis on the example of a motion limited companyHow does FedEx Corporation use the benefits of e-commerce?Protection of personal privacy online with the use of InternetElectronic commerce: how Internet resources are used?History of e-commerce: introduction Development of e-commerceAmazon Inc.: overview of the company E-commerce environment: analysis of the fashion industry General analysis of the e-commerce growthAnalysis of the prospects that e-commerce has in the futureElectronic commerce: what will happen next?E-marketing: challenges and problems Internet business: analysis of the issues Company program of account receivables: importance and purpose Priceline: analysis of retailing business E-commerce: benefits for the contemporary economyWebmaster: responsibilities and functionsInternet as a valuable tool of electronic commerce business Internet e-commerce: definition and fundamental principlesSuccess of e-commerce: history and p resent-day achievementsE-commerce in marketing: analysis and overviewBuying preferences and e-commerceIncrease in market sales for the companies due to the e-commerce development E-commerce and global opportunitiesE-commerce opportunities and advantagesE-commerce preferences and advantagesHazards in e-commerce: analysis of how vulnerable web business isElectronic commerce as one of the effective business marketing toolsPresent-day society and development of e-commerceImpact of the e-commerce evolution on the business worldE-commerce possibilities of the Southwest Airlines Put aside those e-commerce paper topics that seem to be either boring or too challenging for you. Instead, opt for those, which offer you a range of opportunities to reveal your talent and your interest. Let our list of e-commerce essay questions and answers be your guide in the academic world!Check out Marketing essay writing tips
Friday, November 22, 2019
The Best Way to Run a Creative Ideation Workshop
The Best Way to Run a Creative Ideation Workshop Every business, product, project, campaign, blog post, and plan starts with an idea. Bringing an idea to life can be a long and challenging process. But arriving at a good idea can be a challenge as well. You could brainstorm 100 ideas and find that none of them seem worth pursuing. Or you could arrive at a handful of good ideas, only to be faced with the difficulty of choosing which idea to pour your time and resources into. The aim of a creative ideation workshop is to optimize the brainstorming process. The problem is, if your ideation workshop isn’t focused and structured, you can end up wasting a lot of time. That’s where this guide will help you. After you’ve read and implemented all the strategies in this post, sign up for a free trial. It’s the best way to plan and manage all your projects. From project to-dos, workflow planning, and team management, it’s got all the features you need to make your projects feel like organized heaven†¦ But First†¦ Download These Creative Brief Templates A creative brief is a great way to get everyone on the same page before any new project takes off. Steal one of these templates to make the process as easy as can be.Identify the Goal of Your Workshop There’s no such thing as a bad idea, right? I’ll leave that one up to you. But there are definitely ideas that aren’t relevant enough to be prioritized. In order to come up with relevant, viable ideas, you need to identify a clear goal from the get-go. Specifically, you should identify a particular metric or product feature you want to impact. The first step of any creative workshop is to identify the goal. For example, say you wanted to do a blog content ideation session. Rather than simply ask, â€Å"What are some new topics for blog content we can do?†hone in on a more specific goal. Your goal could be something like â€Å"to increase conversions on this particular landing page†or â€Å"to get more people to use this feature of our product.†Having a specific metric you want to impact will help you come up with focused ideas. This will also help you eliminate (or backlog) any ideas that don’t directly impact that metric. If you’d like a more detailed guide to identifying key metrics, check out this growth strategy guide. Now let’s talk about the dream team you’ll need to assemble for your creative ideation workshop. Pick the Right People For Your Workshop Time to assemble your dream team. GIF Source To gather the best ideas, make sure you have the right people participating in your workshop. Generally speaking, it’s helpful to have a group of people with varied perspectives participating. Think: who on your team knows the most about the metric you want to impact? Who has worked on similar projects in the past? Who might be able to offer an important perspective? Get Multiple Perspectives Returning to the blog content brainstorming example, you would certainly want to include members from your content team. But depending on the metric you want to impact, you may also want to include a member or two from another team. For example, say you were brainstorming content ideas with the goal of promoting a new product feature. It could be useful to include a member of your customer support team in the workshop. They interact with your customers on a daily basis and will know first-hand what kinds of problems they face. Or say your goal is to brainstorm a new product feature. Not only would you want engineers in the workshop, but also someone from customer support to help you identify customer problems. Or someone from your Marketing team, who would be familiar with your competitors and be able to identify differentiators. Use a Structured Ideation Technique If you want to maximize your time and effort in your creative ideation workshop, you need to follow a structured approach. That’s why you should create a framework to ideate, narrow down and prioritize ideas. A quick search will yield hundreds of different ideation techniques you could use. The key is to use a framework that allows your team to come up with a pool of focused ideas, which you can then narrow down to select the best contenders. Here are some tried and true ideation techniques you can use. Across all of these ideation techniques, it’s a good idea to give your team some homework prior to the workshop. Every participant should come to the workshop equipped with some knowledge of the problem so that their ideas will be informed. All of these ideation techniques will require a facilitator to be appointed. They’ll be in charge of leading the workshop and making decisions about which ideas to prioritize. Idea Sprint (from the book Sprint) This the method is very effective. It’s typically used for both product and marketing ideation. This method was adapted from the Google Design Sprint outlined in the book Sprint, which takes place over five days. We condensed the framework down to a shorter version that can be completed in a 1-2 hour creative ideation workshop. Step 1: Intro (15 minutes) Communicate any key information participants should know before they dive in. For example, if you’re doing a product ideation workshop, then you will need to share your product vision. There may also be specific user pain points you want to address, a particular challenge you want to overcome, or any requirements the final solution must contain. You may also want to offer some examples of competitors’ solutions. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses they present. Step 2: Crazy 8’s (10 - 20 minutes) Crazy 8’s is a fast sketching exercise that challenges each member to sketch 8 distinct ideas in 8 minutes (roughly 1 idea per minute, unless you want to a lot more time). The goal is to push participants to come up with a wide variety of ideas. Each participant should take a piece of paper and fold it into 8 sections. Instruct them to sketch one idea in the first rectangle. When the time sounds, tell them to move on to sketching a new idea in the second rectangle, and so on. Here’s a template you can use: Use This Template Step 3: Storyboarding (20 minutes) Instruct each participant to take the best idea from their Crazy 8’s session and create a thorough solution sketch in storyboard form (305 screens with annotations). They should explain how the solution directly addresses the goal of the ideation workshop. These don’t have to be beautiful but they should be coherent and easy to understand. Step 4: Dot Voting (10 - 20 minutes) This step follows a heat map-style approach to review solutions. Every participant should be given dot stickers. Let the participants walk around and vote for which features of a solution, or which solutions in their entirety, they like by placing the do stickers beside them. Popular solutions and features will become apparent when they have multiple dots clustered around them. Step 5: Summarize Voting and Discuss as a Group (10 -15  minutes) Group any similar solutions. Then, allow participants to explain and promote any solution that couldn’t be adequately explained in a sketch. After the Sprint: Once the sprint is over, it’s time to pick and prioritize. The ideation workshop facilitator and/or project manager should decide which ideas are worth testing. [Tweet "The best step-by-step process for running an idea sprint." #marketing] Rapid Ideation The aim of this framework is to come up with as many unfiltered ideas as you can, without fear of judgment. Then, you can narrow it down from there. Step 1: (5-10 minutes) First, go over what the goal of your ideation session will be and who your main audience is. Step 2: (10-20 minutes) Discuss the scope and parameters of your project. What timeframe will you be working in? What’s the budget? This will help you Step 3: (30-40 minutes) Have each participant individually brainstorm ideas. Set a goal of approximately an idea a minute, to encourage them to think quickly and freely. Step 4 (20 minutes) Ask participants to pick their top 3-5 ideas and present them to the team. Then, eliminate the ideas that aren’t viable or relevant enough. Once you’ve picked the idea (or few ideas) you want to prioritize, you can further flesh them out. Starbursting Starbursting is a creative ideation technique that spurs participants to ask questions, rather than trying to come up with instant solutions. This can be an effective approach when you’re trying to prioritize a new project, product feature, or content strategy. Start by drawing a 6-point star and write the questions Who, What, Where, When, Why and How at the tip of each point. In the center of the star, write the metric you want to impact.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Compare Film Composition and Its Function and Meaning in the Work of Essay
Compare Film Composition and Its Function and Meaning in the Work of Akira Kurosawa and Kenji Mizoguchi - Essay Example To begin with, there will be a discussion of film composition and it varied elements. This section will focus on the various aspects of film composition that help portray a realistic and in some cases, larger than life picture of things so as to put across a certain message. From here, the paper will delve into a discussion of the lives and works of the two filmmakers in question so as to demonstrate the use of film composition techniques as used by them. In this regard, two films have been studied by each of the filmmakers. The films of Akira Kurosawa include Seven Samurais and Ikiru. The two films of Kenji Mizoguchi include Tales of Ugetsu and Sansho the Bailiff. From here, there will be a focus on the comparison of film composition styles of these two filmmakers. In this section, the basic focus will be on the portrayal of the quality of the use of these elements in the portrayal of various situations and scenarios through their films. The parallels drawn in this section will be reflected in the conclusion through a brief summation of the commonalities and diverse styles of film composition. Films are a medium and an art form rolled into one. They have the capacity to transport viewers and put across messages that can transform the lives of entire audiences. The power of cinema is one that has been hailed as the hardest hitting of art forms, even from the days of silent movies. The term or phrase, 'Motion Pictures' is literally the most accurate definition of the most powerful element of cinema. Moving pictures are the most powerful form of expression in art. This art form called cinema relies on the use of pictures that move in order to hold the interest of entire audiences. Yet, the sole activity of recreating moving pictures to depict scenarios and messages, is not enough. To match the voice of one's heart and sensibilities, moving pictures need to be rendered in various ways, and with the exact play of various elements. These elements include lighting, sound, and above all aesthetics. While most believe that aesthetics mainly cater to the play of light and sound in the film, this is not entirely true. Aesthetics revolve around the play of dialogue that can be rendered in perfect light, shadow, setting as well as a background score where necessary. In order to help audiences as well as every individual in the audience to literally 'get the picture', there is a need to deviate from the ordinary in an endeavour to portray that ordinary aspect of people's lives in a manner that can be dramatic, humorous and many other things depending on the vision of the filmmaker. Vision is a key word in the arena of film composition. The technicalities of film making aside, the vision of the filmmaker and the story that he or she wants to tell is the single most important factor in the portrayal of facts as well as fiction. The vision of the filmmaker is one that springs from the following factors: Personal Life Experiences Hard Hitting influence of a particular story The basic social, personal and professional sphere within which the filmmaker defines his or her capacities and influences. The genre of films and art forms that affect the filmmaker to the highest degree. The experience of the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Small Business Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Small Business Management - Case Study Example During their initial stages, the economic conditions were not very supportive for a start up, as the economy was going through a recessionary period; thus, they could only manage to start off with $25,000 but within first six months, they were able to launch their first anti-virus program. This was a major success and also due to this, they could get funding from 'Korea Technology Credit Guarantee Fund' for the amount of $33,500 and this had become their seed money. The anti virus market in Korea grew from 4 billion in 1998, to 26 billion in 2002, and the firm grew with it. Of late, the firm has broaden its product line by adding in data recovery with announcement of 'DataMedic Solution'. Problems and challenges are a part of routine business activities but analyzing them is the only source that leads to an appropriate solution with long term viability. This section utilizes some tools and techniques for analyzing the problems, so that appropriate solutions can be proposed: SWOT is one of the widely used tools for analyzing the internal (strengths and weaknesses) and external (opportunities and threats) factors prevailing in the industry under consideration. Thus, SWOT is very helpful in determining the environmental situation, matching the internal and external variables. Following is the SWOT analysis of the firm based on the learning from various sources: 1. Strengths The firm has great potential in terms of the research and development skills The initiators and the owners are five professional programmers Since the owners are directly involved in the work, it gives the firm a cutting edge over the competitors The learning curve is a quicker one since the ownership belongs to professionals rather than the businessmen Most of the anti-viruses developed are primarily windows based, and windows being a widely used operating system is definitely an advantage Financial stability is another important strength for the firm 2. Weaknesses One of the major weaknesses of the firm is its weak brand image; since it lacks professional marketers, it hasn't been able to develop its image as such The firm has a fairly narrow and focused product line, and customers prefer one window solution for all problems The recently done diversification was also unrelated (data recovery solutions) It can be seen that there is lack of vision about where the firm wants to be in the next five or ten years 3. Opportunities The growing market of anti viruses is a big time opportunity for the firm Reduced customer loyalty is also an opportunity because with customers switching all the time, the firm can easily hunt for the share of the pie of other anti virus software makers 4. Threats Reduced customer loyalty is a threat in itself as well as customers are not loyal to any single firm Increasing competition is another major influence particularly with competition coming from foreign products The life cycle of these products has reduced drastically and needs regular updates and newer versions The market is rapidly moving towards maturity which means that firms need to be innovative and proactive in terms of launching the latest
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Mind and Citadel Essay Example for Free
Mind and Citadel Essay Masculinity is the properties characteristic of the male sex. Characteristics include strength, toughness, brutality and many more. All of which are the characteristics of the boys who attended The Citadel in hopes of leaving the school as men. Susan Faludi, author of The Naked Citadel, writes about the problems within the prestigious school, the major problem, being sexism. The Citadel’s problem can be almost clearly supported by Malcom Gladwell’s Power of Context argument from his book the Tipping Point. The militaristic environment at the Citadel changes each cadet’s character into an extreme emotionally ruined version of who they once were. These changes turn into violence in the extreme. Perception is the key to many disagreements within society. This holds true in the situation that affects The Citadel. When a girl, Shannon Faulkner, applies to be the first female admitted to the Cadet Corps. She attempts to mess with the system by leaving out her gender. The perception at the Citadel is that women would not be a good fit in the school. Tradition has a major part with this. It is apparent that Shannon’s entrance to the Citadel has proven to become a threat to the Citadel community since it is an all-male institution, intended to train real men. The Citadel has always been an all boy school as â€Å"except of course, they weren’t really boys at all. These were college men†(Faludi 78). Who’s to say however that they are in fact men? What defines a man? Within the society a man is expected to think, act and live in a masculine manner. Showing emotions or sensitivity is considered taboo among the males. In the Citadel a man can act in a manner in which the threat of breaking the public norms is not eminent. The way of life in the Citadel made it almost impossible to live for a woman. Society as a whole saw the Citadel as an established all male school and they were determined to keep it that way. However, this perception is based on what is seen from an outside perspective. Gladwell defines this aspect of perception of character as the FAE, Fundamental Attribution Error. Gladwell writes, â€Å"The mistake we make in thinking of character as something unified and all-encompassing is very similar to a kind of blind spot in the way we process information†(162). If character is something unified, then everyone must be classified as one in the same. The mistake the Citadel is making is having their all boy school rule become a blind spot for the future. The future that lies ahead can never be, if the Citadel sticks to their tradition. While tradition is what made the school so prestigious, a change in time may also need a change in tradition. A women can just as easily â€Å"be one of the guys†as any other guy. While men have defining characteristics that make them appear different from women, there are many attributes, such as personality that isn’t so distinctive between certain people. The Citadel being filled with men who everyone knew would resist the idea of a women being admitted to the school, needed someone who could â€Å"fit†in. â€Å"Robert Patterson, the Citadel attorney who had previously represented V. M. I. , asked Astin, his voice full of unflattering insinuation about the kind of woman he imagined her to be. Astin: I suppose the same as the kind of men who want to go there. Patterson: Would it be a woman that would not be all that different from men? Astin: Yes. †(Faludi 95). This quick interrogation of Alexander Astin explains that men and women are not different after all. While Patterson thought he found the winning point to his case, he actually put himself and the Citadel in a hole. Women, who would apply to The Citadel, feel that they have the ability to compete with the existing me inside. Everyone knew how the Citadel was run. It was filled with aggressive men under military rules. But Shannon Faulkner still applied. Sharron Faulkner was the type of women that Patterson perceived would be able to attend the Citadel. You could cite her memory that as a small child she preferred playing outside with the boys to playing with certain girls whom she deemed â€Å"too prissy††(Faludi 96). Shannon was always, â€Å"one of the boys†. Her background and general attitude is extremely similar to anyone of the â€Å"men†at the Citadel. Even with this, the Citadel is still against the idea. â€Å"The psychologist Walter Mischel argues that the human mind has a kind of â€Å"reducing valve†that â€Å"creates and maintains the perception of continuity even in the face of perpetual observed changes in actual behavior†(Gladwell 162). The way our mind works, it is hard for people to have multiple views on something. In the case of the Citadel, society perceived the school as a strict all boy school that is not suitable for any women. Society also perceived Shannon as just a woman. â€Å"Just†isn’t putting down that aspect, but that is all that society saw her as. So if the Citadel is looked at and known as an all boys militaristic school that women would never be able to step foot into as a student and Shannon was looked at as just a woman then in no way shape or form would she ever be allowed to attend that school. That’s the problem with our society. We base our judgment on what we see, not on what we know. Any women who is willing to put herself through that type of embarrassment and trouble and even death threats just to get into a school, in my mind is more of a man than any of those kids in the Citadel. Society is filled with stereotypes and that is what everyone is based off of. You, the next guy and me will always be looked at by society as part of a stereotype. This is the problem with the Citadel, and society in general. Perception is key in all events that occur at the Citadel. Perception plays a strong role in the Power of Context as wells as sexism at the Citadel. The focus on environment is the main aspect of the Power of Context. It says the people are â€Å"acutely sensitive to their environment†(Gladwell 159). People are therefore prompted to do certain things based on their perception of their environment. This is exactly what was occurring at the Citadel. The cadets were prompted to react physically towards each other based on what their perception of a man was. Knobs told me that they were forced to run through the showers while the upperclassman â€Å"gaurds†knocked the soap out of their hands and, when the knobs leaned over to retrieve it the upperclassman would unzip their pants and yell, â€Å"Don’t pick it up, don’t pick it up! We’ll use you like we used those girls! †(Faludi 105). The Citadel continually expresses the idea of being a man. However, the upperclassman takes advantage of this and confuses strength of a man with violence. These knobs that come into the university as boys, are turning into emotionally stunted individuals. They lack the understanding of a real man. As well as what it means to be in a relationship a part from other men. Women, whether they believe so or not, are a great importance to the future of the Citadel. The reality of the Citadel, however, is that it’s producing less â€Å"men†and more homosexuals. This may in fact be a direct result of no women in the vicinity. â€Å"When a Citadel attorney asked Doucet why female cadets would pose a problem on the campus, the only issue he raised was the humiliation that cadets feel if women observe the cadets’ on-campus interactions†(Faludi 104). Humiliation may be one of the strongest emotions that can alter ones character forever. However, if women were allowed in the school than humiliation would not be an issue because the men would change their ways to please women. Women posed no actual threat to the school, except the embarrassment of the cadets. Is that even a legitimate reason to prevent a girl of getting an education? Shannon was faced with more humiliation and threats than the boys in the school could ever imagine. Then, as they turned back to the house, they saw that across the white porch columns and along the siding of the house, the words, â€Å"Bitch,†â€Å"Dyke,†â€Å"Whore,†and â€Å"Lesbo†(Faludi 94). The Citadel Cadets were criticizing Shannon Faulkner because she wanted to be accepted. It just so happens that all the terms they used all categorized her as a man. Shannon could speak, act and dress like a man but no matter what she will never be able to be fully accepted beca use in their minds only a man a true man is suited for the school. The controversy at the Citadel is a sad but eye opening example of how our society is. Society puts them in a mindset where only one way is the right way. If society can open up their brains to more opportunities than a lot of problems would be alleviated. Malcom Gladwell poses the reasoning of the Citadels problems with the idea of the Power of Context. There is so much that goes on in a situation that it should never be that easy to give an answer. The situation at the Citadel is un-fair and wrong. Women are just as smart and important as men and should have the same rules. But in that argument, if you want to be treated the same, you can’t complain.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Insomnia Essay -- essays research papers
Insomnia is formally defined as the inability to get the standard amount of sleep. This disease affects 1 in 3 adults every year in the United States (Insomnia). Insomnia is a growing problem that we are learning more about everyday, insomnia makes life very hard for those who are inflicted by it. Prevention of insomnia is rather simple if you learn simple techniques. If you are afflicted by insomnia than cure is rather simple if you are in the care of a good health care provider      Insomnia is most commonly found in women and older adults. Also people who are divorced or widowed have a greater chance than those who are married to be victims of insomnia (Sleep Disorders). These groups tend to have higher stress and that is why they are more likely to be affected. There is transient insomnia which is rather common and only lasts for a few days, the insomnia will be cured once the stressful problem is resolved. Chronic insomnia lasts for more than three weeks and should be treated by a trained health care provider (Sleep Disorders). Chronic insomnia is proven to lead to other diseases such as mood disorders and depression. Transient insomnia is usually caused by a temporary situation of high stress and will normally go away when the problem is resolved. Chronic depression can be caused by a number of things. Acute stress like an illness can cause chronic insomnia. Depression and high anxiety can also lead to insomnia. It may also be caused by s leep problems such as sleep apnea. Caffeine or other stimulants can lead to insomnia. The use of depressants and sedatives will relax you but may also cause you to have shallow, fragmented sleep. Pain due to illness may also be causes. Poor sleep habits are also proven to be causes of insomnia. Extreme changes in sleep patterns may cause insomnia. There are also rare conditions such as restless leg syndrome and nocturnal myoclonus that can lead to chronic insomnia (Sleep Disorders). There are several symptoms of insomnia and they are very obvious. Having trouble falling asleep is a good sign you may have insomnia. Waking up often at night or being restless is a tell tale sign of insomnia. Also if you wake up early and are unable to go back to sleep you may be affected my insomnia. If you wake up from a night of sleep and do not feel rested at all you are most likely afflicted by insomnia (Burt... ... bed can help you take your mind off your day’s troubles. Having background noise helps make falling asleep easier for some people. Try and not focus on falling asleep and try and let your mind drift, this will help you fall asleep quicker. Avoiding unneeded stress in your life will help you prevent insomnia also. Keep a journal and write down before you go to bed everything you need to do, this will help you to not worry about everything you have been worrying about ( Sleep Disorders). All these techniques are ways of reducing stress. Some techniques may not work for some and may work great for others; it all depends on the person. Once you find a technique that works you should stick with it. Whatever is comfortable for you is what you should use.      Insomnia has become a very popular disease in the United States. There are numerous treatments that can help ease the affects this disease has on people. Knowing how to prevent it and what the symptoms are is crucial to avoiding the disease. All the prevention techniques are free and very easy to learn, everyone should know these techniques so they can help prevent this disease that makes life so difficult
Monday, November 11, 2019
Csp Reflection Essay
a) Identify your agency and briefly discuss the history, goals and objectives. The name of my agency is Maldon Primary School. Maldon Primary is a rural school located in the community of Maldon in the parish of St. James. It was established in January 1935 and named after a white land owner named John Maldon. The first principal was Mr. Morrison and the current principal (acting) is Mrs. Kennedy. The Ministry of Education 2008-1009 School Profile Statistics, shows an enrollment of 374 and a percentage attendance of 88%. However, current records reveal a student enrollment of 330 which includes 151 boys and 182 girls and an attendance rate of 85-90%. The total staff population is 15, consisting of 13 teachers including acting principal and the guidance counselor and 3 ancillary staff. Mission Statement- â€Å"to provide a system which secures quality education for all students within our school community and fasters the holistic development of each child.†a) Bearing the Vision 2030 goal you selected in reflection 1 in mind, identify a set of objectives you aim to fulfill in your assignment at your agency. The following are objectives I aim to fulfill at my agency: 1) To gain experience so that when I venture into the working world I will know what to expect. 2) For my community service I am teaching grade 3 therefore, my objective is to help educate the students which will contribute to the passing of the Grade 3 Diagnostic Test. b) Discuss the specific steps you will take to accomplish those objectives. To accomplish my objectives I would: 1. Make sure that I am always on time 2. Always be ready to jump at any given task. 3. Try to always be available to the students and to answer their questions as clearly as possible. 4. Use my time efficiently and effectively, not to spend more or limited time with one student, i.e. treat them fairly but if a student is slow I would help him/her to catch up with the other students
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Beyond The Last Lamp and During Wind And Rain Essay
Compare the ways in which Hardy presents reactions to the loss of loved ones in these two poems Thomas Hardy uses change and passing time as symbols of death and loss in both poems: Beyond The Last Lamp and During Wind And Rain. The title, Beyond The Last Lamp, is a metaphorical way of describing darkness as the lamp signifies light and beyond light lies darkness, a representation of pain and misery. The whole poem revolves around a supposedly grieving, mysterious couple that the speaker observes over time. During Wind And Rain is also a depressing title as the rain suggests anguish and sorrow. The wind suggests progressing time, which could be seen as life, and perhaps death because that’s what life ultimately leads up to. A family is the subject of this poem and the speaker, again, tracks their progression over time. It is said that the poem is about the family of Emma Hardy, Thomas Hardy’s wife. Time represents and is represented by several different objects in both poems. Both poems use stanzas (Beyond The Last Lamp has five stanzas and During Wind And Rain has four) to develop ideas throughout the poem and show the passing time. ‘Ah, no; the years O!’ and ‘Ah, no; the years, the years;’ are alternately used as the penultimate line in each stanza of During Wind And Rain. This gives a sense of time moving at a fast pace and it being terrible and only bringing misery as the line is followed by an image of death. Place is used in powerful metaphors associated with time, life and death, and it gives the poem its atmosphere. Beyond The Last Lamp is set in a wet, dark lane, setting a heavy and depressing atmosphere. Even the light used in the poem is used to accentuate distress, ‘Each countenance as it slowly, as it sadly caught the lamplight’s yellow glance, held in suspense a misery’. There is also a close association between people and place as the speaker only remembers the lane through the couple: ‘Without those comrades†¦that lone lane does not exist’. Contrastingly, the atmosphere of During Wind And Rain is lively and happy for the first four lines of the stanza, as it focuses on a garden and family, however, it seems like the cheerful recollection ends with an ellipsis and the speaker is almost shaken back to reality. The last line of the stanza shows the place and nature in a dramatic and ghastly way, a clashing chord to the beginning: ‘How the sick leaves reel down in throngs’, showing the uncontrollable nature of death and the autumn season. ‘Reel’ connects with the previous to lines about music, ‘they sing their dearest songs’ since as a noun it means an Irish or Scottish folk dance. ‘And the rotten rose is ript from the wall’ uses alliteration to dramatize and emphasise the suddenness and horrific nature of death. Place is used to represent time, the stanzas show a progression of seasons: ‘summer tree’. Place is also used to describe the family going to heaven: ‘They change to a high new house’. The garden is also like a metaphor for life as it shows how people try and control it although it’s uncontrollable: ‘they clear the creeping moss†¦making the pathways neat’. People are the main focal points for both poems whether it is a family or a couple. The speaker writes as an outsider, an observer of these people. The couple in Beyond The Last Lamp are first described as ‘two linked loiterers’ which is then developed to ‘the pair seemed lovers’ in the second stanza, ‘twain’, in the third, ‘tragic pair’ and then ‘comrades’. Through this change in description, the speaker’s change in perspective and opinion of the couple’s relationship is visible as they deteriorate from lovers to tragic pair. Although there is deterioration, the pain is present from the beginning of the poem. Absence of happiness is used to create the sad feeling of the poem. Time represents a change for the worse. Their emotions follow a similar pattern and can also be traced from ‘heavy thought’ in the first stanza, to ‘misery’ in the second to ‘wild woe’ in the third. The actual change from happiness to misery isn’t shown extensively in the poem, but it is hinted at: ‘no longer orbed in love’s young rays’. However, the family’s relationships seem to remain intact throughout During Wind And Rain. The family of During Wind And Rain are shown as happy but unaware of the way time and death can remove everything: ‘they are blithely’. This almost naà ¯ve unawareness and the sudden, unexpected loss of happiness is used to emphasise feelings of pain. Time and their growth is shown by the differing description of its members: ‘Elders and juniors’ to ‘Men and maidens’. But they all die in the last stanza: ‘Down their carved names the rain-drop ploughs’. Time in this case repres ents death. The speaker has two very different styles in the poems although the perspectives are just as pessimistic about life and time. The already pessimistic perspective of the speaker also worsens as the poem progresses. Â
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on Comparison Between Rome And Greece
The Greeks and Romans both started their own civilizations as city-states. While the irregular coastline and the mountainous terrain of the Greek peninsula isolated the multiple Greek civilizations from one another, the city of Rome was located in the geographical middle of a generally north-south plain bordered on the east with mountains and on the west by the sea. With most their land being open, Rome was exposed to the migrations of trade and invasions of people from the Po River in the north and Sicily in the south. This strategic location provided Rome with the ability to communicate and trade within all the city-states very easily. And with being open to invasion evolved Rome to create a dominating army. The two primary ethnic and cultural influences upon the Romans were determined to a degree by this geography. The first influence was that of the Etruscans in the north, and the second major influence was that of the Greeks in the south. By the time the city-state of Rome had emerged as a distinct entity out of its Etruscan origins and was prepared to expand its own unique influence, Greek civilization had spread throughout the Mediterranean basin. However, the fierce exclusiveness of the Greek city-states from one another, stemming from their geographical isolation, had determined that Greek colonization of the Mediterranean would be an extension of isolated city-states. The Greek polis did not permit the building of a Greek empire, and the strict barrier to the extension of citizenship prevented any one of the Greek’s city-states from becoming dominant and was hard to unite the isolated cities through the mountains. As we have seen from Greek history, the Athenians were on t he way to creating an empire through their domination of the Delian League, but this trend was reversed in the Pelopponesian Wars. The Romans, on the other hand, brought other communities on the Italian peninsula under their control, first by conquest,... Free Essays on Comparison Between Rome And Greece Free Essays on Comparison Between Rome And Greece The Greeks and Romans both started their own civilizations as city-states. While the irregular coastline and the mountainous terrain of the Greek peninsula isolated the multiple Greek civilizations from one another, the city of Rome was located in the geographical middle of a generally north-south plain bordered on the east with mountains and on the west by the sea. With most their land being open, Rome was exposed to the migrations of trade and invasions of people from the Po River in the north and Sicily in the south. This strategic location provided Rome with the ability to communicate and trade within all the city-states very easily. And with being open to invasion evolved Rome to create a dominating army. The two primary ethnic and cultural influences upon the Romans were determined to a degree by this geography. The first influence was that of the Etruscans in the north, and the second major influence was that of the Greeks in the south. By the time the city-state of Rome had emerged as a distinct entity out of its Etruscan origins and was prepared to expand its own unique influence, Greek civilization had spread throughout the Mediterranean basin. However, the fierce exclusiveness of the Greek city-states from one another, stemming from their geographical isolation, had determined that Greek colonization of the Mediterranean would be an extension of isolated city-states. The Greek polis did not permit the building of a Greek empire, and the strict barrier to the extension of citizenship prevented any one of the Greek’s city-states from becoming dominant and was hard to unite the isolated cities through the mountains. As we have seen from Greek history, the Athenians were on t he way to creating an empire through their domination of the Delian League, but this trend was reversed in the Pelopponesian Wars. The Romans, on the other hand, brought other communities on the Italian peninsula under their control, first by conquest,...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Ghost Light from Dead Galaxies Sheds Light on Ancient Galaxy Interactions
Ghost Light from Dead Galaxies Sheds Light on Ancient Galaxy Interactions Did you know that astronomers can learn about galaxies that died long ago? Thats part of the story of the cosmos that the deep cosmos-gazing Hubble Space Telescope was built to tell. Along with other telescopes on the ground and on orbit, it fills in the story of the universe as it peers out at distant objects. Some of its most fascinating objects are galaxies, including some that formed in the infancy of the universe and are now long gone from the cosmic scene. What stories do they tell? What Hubble Found Studying long-dead galaxies sounds like it would be impossible. In a way, it is. Theyre no longer around, but it turns out, some of their stars are. To learn more about early galaxies that no longer exist, Hubble observed dim light from orphaned stars that lie some 4 billion light-years away from us. They were born billions of years ago and somehow were ejected at high speed from their original galaxies, which themselves are long gone. It turns out some kind of galactic mayhem sent these stars reeling across space. They belonged to a galaxies in a massive galaxy called Pandoras Cluster. The light from those far-flung stars provided clues to a crime scene of truly galactic proportions: as many as six galaxies were somehow torn to pieces within the cluster. How could this happen? Gravity Explains a Lot Each galaxy has a gravitational pull. Its the combined gravity of all the stars, clouds of gas and dust, black holes, and dark matter that exist in the galaxy. In a cluster, you get the combined gravitational pull of all the galaxies, and that affects all of the members of the cluster. That gravity is pretty strong. In addition, galaxies tend to move around within their clusters, which affects the motions and interacts of their cluster-mates. Add those two effects together and you set the scene for the destruction of some not-so-lucky small galaxies that happen to get caught in the action. They get stuck in a squeeze play between their larger neighbors as they travel, Eventually, the strong gravity of the bigger galaxies pulls the smaller ones apart. Astronomers found clues to this destructive shredding of galaxies by studying the light from stars scattered by the action.That light would be detectable long after the galaxies were destroyed. However, this predicted intracluster glow of stars is very faint and is quite a challenge to observe.These are extremely faint stars and they are brightest in infrared wavelengths of light. This is where Hubble comes in. It has very sensitive detectors to capture that faint glow from the stars. Its observations helped scientists study the combined light of about 200 billion stars that were cast out from interacting galaxies. Its measurements showed that the scattered stars are rich in heavier elements like oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen. This means they are not the first-ever stars formed. The first stars consisted mainly of hydrogen and helium, and forged heavier elements in their cores. When those earliest ones died, all the elements were cast into space and into nebulae of gas and dust. Later generations of stars formed from those clouds and show higher concentrations of heavy elements. It is the enriched stars that Hubble studied in an effort to track what happened to their galactic homes. Future Studies Zero in on More Orphan Stars Theres still a lot to figure out about the earliest, most distant galaxies and their interactions. Everywhere Hubble looks, it finds more and more distant galaxies. The farther out it peers, the further back in time it looks. Each time it makes a deep field observation, this telescope shows astronomers fascinating things about the earliest times in the cosmos. Thats all part of the study of cosmology, the origin and evolution of the universe.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
The Influence of Peer Perception in Regard to Personal Development Essay - 1
The Influence of Peer Perception in Regard to Personal Development - Essay Example Peer perception plays a pivotal role in the decision-making of an individual, and at times, the decision made is simply a reaction to negative treatment by others. Telford claims that though it is possible for an individual to be well behaved and well-intended, consistent negative perceptions can change the person (p. 97). While society cannot be entirely blamed for one’s behavior, it contributes to a certain proportion. Similarly, the monster in Frankenstein was fueled by the negative perception towards it but it is not appropriate to conclude that it had no responsibility. Every monster a society creates must be dealt with it, lest it is a source of endless grief. Victor dedicated his time in creating a monster that later made his life unbearable. According to Charnick when a society unknowingly or otherwise holds and demonstrates negative perception towards a person or a group of people, there is a tendency by the victimized individuals to seek ways to avenge (17). In many cases, the relations between the two factions deteriorate to the extent of each side seeking the destruction of the other. A case in recent times is the negative treatment of people thought or known to be homosexual. While the Western countries have since accepted, many in the Asian and African countries have inhumane laws that threaten even to stone anyone proved to a homosexual. However, instead of this habit decreasing, Smith reported that in Uganda, for instance, men who practice homosexuality vowed to continue with their habits (p. 4). Victor created the monster but failed to own up; instead, he left and it ended up destroying everything and everyone he cared
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