Saturday, March 21, 2020
Free Essays on The Causes Of The Persian Gulf War
The Causes of the Persian Gulf War â€Å"Two dozen U.S. and British aircrafts bombed five radar and other anti-aircraft sites around Baghdad with guided missiles yesterday in the first major military action of the Bush administration. It was the largest airstrike against Iraq in two years and hit sites near the Iraqi capital, a significant departure from the low-key enforcement of no-fly zones in the country’s south and north. The U.S.-led alliance declared the zones off-limits to Iraqi aircrafts after the Persian Gulf War. President Bush, speaking at a new conference in Mexico alongside the Mexican President, Vicente Fox, called the raid ‘routine.’ But it was widely interperted in Washington and other world capitals as presaging a get-tough attitude by the new administration toward a country that has vexed U.S. policymakers for more than a decade. ‘Saddam Hussein has got to understand we expect him to comform to the agreement that he signed after The Desert Storm,’ Bush said...†(Ricks A1) Saddam Hussein’s continuing failure to cooperate is one of many results of the Persian Gulf War. Between January 17 and February 28, 1991, an international military coalition sanctioned by the United Nations and led by the United States defeated the large, well-equipped Iraqi army and forced it to withdraw from occupied Kuwait. The allied offense, whose military code name was Operation Desert Storm, involved ground troops from 19 countries joining together from virtually every region on the globe: North America, South America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Australia (Yant 18). In essence, from the Iraqi position, there were three, main, inter-state causes of the Persian Gulf War: 1) To aquire a major port on the Persian Gulf, 2) To eliminate the $13 billion debt that Iraq owed Kuwait, 3) To gain vast oil reserves. In order to better understand the Iraqi position, it ... Free Essays on The Causes Of The Persian Gulf War Free Essays on The Causes Of The Persian Gulf War The Causes of the Persian Gulf War â€Å"Two dozen U.S. and British aircrafts bombed five radar and other anti-aircraft sites around Baghdad with guided missiles yesterday in the first major military action of the Bush administration. It was the largest airstrike against Iraq in two years and hit sites near the Iraqi capital, a significant departure from the low-key enforcement of no-fly zones in the country’s south and north. The U.S.-led alliance declared the zones off-limits to Iraqi aircrafts after the Persian Gulf War. President Bush, speaking at a new conference in Mexico alongside the Mexican President, Vicente Fox, called the raid ‘routine.’ But it was widely interperted in Washington and other world capitals as presaging a get-tough attitude by the new administration toward a country that has vexed U.S. policymakers for more than a decade. ‘Saddam Hussein has got to understand we expect him to comform to the agreement that he signed after The Desert Storm,’ Bush said...†(Ricks A1) Saddam Hussein’s continuing failure to cooperate is one of many results of the Persian Gulf War. Between January 17 and February 28, 1991, an international military coalition sanctioned by the United Nations and led by the United States defeated the large, well-equipped Iraqi army and forced it to withdraw from occupied Kuwait. The allied offense, whose military code name was Operation Desert Storm, involved ground troops from 19 countries joining together from virtually every region on the globe: North America, South America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and Australia (Yant 18). In essence, from the Iraqi position, there were three, main, inter-state causes of the Persian Gulf War: 1) To aquire a major port on the Persian Gulf, 2) To eliminate the $13 billion debt that Iraq owed Kuwait, 3) To gain vast oil reserves. In order to better understand the Iraqi position, it ...
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Overview of Hawk Bells
Overview of Hawk Bells A hawk bell (also called hawking or hawks bell) is a small round object made of sheet brass or copper, originally used as part of falconry equipment in medieval Europe. Hawk bells were also brought to the American continents by early European explorers and colonizers in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries as potential trade goods. When they are found in Mississippian contexts in the southern United States, hawk bells are considered evidence for direct or indirect Mississippian contact with early European expeditions such as those by Hernando de Soto, Pnfilo de Navez, or others. Bells and Medieval Falconry The original use of hawk bells was, of course, in falconry. Hawking, the use of trained raptors to capture wild game, is an elite sport that was established throughout Europe no later than AD 500. The primary raptor used in hawking was peregrine and gyrfalcon, but they were only owned by the highest ranked individuals. The lower nobility and wealthier commoners practiced falconry with the goshawk and sparrow hawk. Hawking bells were part of the equipment of the medieval falconer, and they were attached in pairs to one of the birds legs by a short leather leash, called a bewit. Other hawking paraphernalia included leather leads called jesses, lures, hoods and gloves. The bells are necessarily made of light material, weighing no more than seven grams (1/4 ounce). Hawk bells found on archaeological sites are larger, although no more than 3.2 centimeters (1.3 inches) in diameter. Historical Evidence Spanish historical records dated to the 16th century describe the use of hawking bells (in Spanish: cascabeles grandes de bronce or large brass hawking bells) as trade items, along with iron knives and scissors, mirrors, and glass beads as well as clothing, maize and cassava. Although bells are not specifically mentioned in the de Soto chronicles, they were distributed as trade goods by several different Spanish explorers, including Pnfilo de Navez, who gave bells to Dulchanchellin, a Mississippian chief in Florida, in 1528; and Pedro Menà ©ndez de Aviles, who in 1566 presented Calusa headmen with bells among other objects. Because of this, in the southern half of what is today the United States, hawk bells are often cited as evidence of the Pnfilo de Navez and Hernando de Soto expeditions of the mid-16th century. Types of Bells Two types of hawk bells have been identified within the American continents: the Clarksdale bell (generally dated to the 16th century) and the Flushloop bell (generally dated to the 17th-19th centuries), both named by American archaeologists, rather than the original manufacturer. The Clarksdale bell (named after the Clarksdale Mound in Mississippi where the type bell was found) is made up of two undecorated copper or brass hemispheres crimped together and secured by a square flange around the midsection. At the base of the bell are two holes connected by a narrow slit. The wide loop (often 5 cm [~2 in] or better) at the top is secured by pushing the ends through a hole in the upper hemisphere and soldering the separate ends to the interior of the bell. The Flushloop bell has a thin strip of brass for an attachment loop, which was secured by pushing the ends of the of the loop through a hole in the bell and separating them. The two hemispheres were soldered rather than crimped together, leaving little or no surficial flange. Many specimens of the Flushloop bell have two decorative grooves encircling each hemisphere. Dating the Hawk Bell In general, Clarksdale type bells are the rarer form and tend to be discovered in earlier contexts. Most date to the 16th century, although there are exceptions. Flushloop bells are generally dated in the 17th century or later, with the majority dated 18th and 19th century. Ian Brown has argued that Flushloop bells are of English and French manufacture, while the Spanish are the source of the Clarksdale. Clarksdale bells have been found in many historic Mississippian sites throughout the southern United States, such as Seven Springs (Alabama), Little Egypt and Poarch Farm (Georgia), Dunns Creek (Florida), Clarksdale (Mississippi), Toqua (Tennessee); as well as at Nueva Cadiz in Venezuela. Sources Boyd CC, Jr., and Schroedl GF. 1987. In Search of Coosa. American Antiquity 52(4):840-844. Brown IW. 1979. Bells. In: Brain JP, editor. Tunica Treasure. Cambridge: Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard Univesity. p 197-205. Mitchem JM, and McEwan BG. 1988. New data on early bells from Florida. Southeastern Archaeology 7(1):39-49. Prummel W. 1997. Evidence of hawking (falconry) from bird and mammal bones. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 7(4):333-338. Sears WH. 1955. Creek and Cherokee Culture in the 18th Century. American Antiquity 21(2):143-149. Thibodeau AM, Chesley JT, and Ruiz J. 2012. Lead isotope analysis as a new method for identifying material culture belonging to the Vzquez de Coronado expedition. Journal of Archaeological Science 39(1):58-66.
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