Saturday, May 23, 2020
Essay on Human Resources Analysis - 1329 Words
Human Resources Analysis Savannah Hayes SEC 370 Debbie Travis Human Resources Analysis In the United States there are many labor laws that the cooperate world must up hold by, these laws seem complicated but are actually quite simple once you break them down. For instance, the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) of 1938, as amended, provides for minimum standard for that of both wages and overtime entitlements by employees, and spells out the administrative procedures that needs to be taken by which covered all work time must be compensated for. FLSA also includes provisions related to child labor laws, equal pay, and portal-to-portal activities (U.S. Office of Personnel Management, 2009). Most Illinois employers are covered†¦show more content†¦The employees in Illinois are classified as non-exempt and receive hourly wages and then some are classified as exempt, exempt employees are compensated by the means of annual salaries. The Fair Labor Standards Act is administered and regulated by the United States Department of Labor’s Sta ndards Administration’s Hour and Wage Division. However, the Illinois Department of Labor provides the following exempt and non-exempt employees†¦ Non-exempt employee’s duties consist of driving vehicles, operating machinery, repairing equipment, bookkeeping, cashier work, food service and preparation, delivering merchandise, and so on. Now those exempt employees duties consist of items such as scheduling employees, hiring and firing employees, formulating personnel policies, determining credit policies, determining staffing levels, assessing employee performance, making company investment decisions and so on. As for the non-exempt employees in Illinois are covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act that requires employers to pay employees who are not otherwise exempt at least the federally known minimum wage and overtime pay of one-and-one-half-times the regular rates of pay. However, for those of nonagricultural operations, it comes to restrict the hours that child ren under the age of 16 years-old can work and forbid the employment of children under the age of 18 years-old in certain jobs that are and maybe deemed too dangerous for them to handle.Show MoreRelatedA Human Resources Value Analysis1398 Words  | 6 PagesA Human Resources Value Analysis of Canada’s Top 100 Employers, Best Employers in Canada, and The Queen’s Competition This human resources study will recommend two of the largest promotional competitions for business rankings found in Canada’s Top 100 Employers and Best Employers in Canada. These competitions define the most efficient workplace environment, which produce the most productive and efficient corporate communities. 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Sunday, May 10, 2020
The Pressure to Be Perfect - 4326 Words
The Bell Jar and Black Swan: The Pressure to be Perfect In a society where competition among others and influences from the media are becoming increasingly prevalent by the decade, it is easy for one to feel the extreme pressure to be perfect. Many individuals face the internal conflict of feeling that they are not adequate enough for various personal or societal standards, often leading to unhealthy insecurities, mental and emotional instabilities, and identity crises. Firstly, society’s reminders to individuals to reach a superficial level of perfection create unhealthy stress within oneself, leading to progressive depression. Furthermore, the even harsher mental and emotional pressures put on by one’s loved ones accumulate to cause†¦show more content†¦It is the feeling of not being good enough for the world that crushes her self-esteem and will to succeed, as later on she begins to contemplate harming her body and even committing suicide. The protagonist in Black Swan, prima ballerina Nina Sayers, faces a similar ignition to her mental instabilities through the pressures of society. In this case, Nina is naturally a perfectionist who tries to strive in the highly competitive ballet industry, which takes a huge toll on her physically, mentally, and emotionally. It is evident that throughout the course of Nina’s training for her big debut as Swan Queen in the ballet company’s annual production, she is obsessed with the idea of perfection to live up to society’s expectations of what a prima ballerina should be. When the former prima ballerina of the company, Beth McIntyre, unexpectedly retires, the director, Thomas Leroy, introduces her to the entire ballet industry at a gala. He announces, â€Å"But as we bid adieu to one star, we welcome another! Were opening our season with my new version of Swan Lake. Taking the role of our new Swan Queen, the exquisite, Nina Sayers†(Aronofsky). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
“Marginalization†by Chandrakant Mallya Free Essays
In a scale, both arms are equally important. If one of them tilts, the result is imbalance. Compare the scale to the society. We will write a custom essay sample on â€Å"Marginalization†by Chandrakant Mallya or any similar topic only for you Order Now A perfect society viewed from any angle, is impossibility. Turn the pages of human historyâ€â€perfection was never there. It is reasonable to assume that it will never be there!  It can not be completely avoided either. Society at any given time has not existed and functioned without marginalization! Some of the definitions of marginalization are: â€Å"To relegate or confine to a lower or outer limit or edge, as of social standing.†â€Å"Marginalization (USA) refers to the overt or covert trends within societies whereby those perceived as lacking desirable traits or deviating from the group norms tend to be excluded by wider society and ostracized as undesirables.†Wing Leung describes A marginal person as â€Å"†¦one who does not belong†¦the marginal man†¦ [dwells] at the margin of two cultures and two societies†¦ [and possesses] a marginal mentality†¦ [with its] unresolved identity crises.†Louis Wirth speaking of minority groups thus: â€Å"A group of people who, because of their physical or cultural characteristics, are singled out from the others in the society in which they live for differential and unequal treatment and who therefore regard themselves as objects of collective discrimination.†This means, the more numerically dominant members, or the more prosperous section of the society gives unequal treatment leading to acts of social ostracism, acts of discrimination, leading to marginalization. In â€Å"Sula†Tony Morrison traces the lives of two black heroines. They grow together in a small Ohio townâ€â€well, that’s the only common point about them. Otherwise, they are poles apart. Their paths are totally divergent, obviously their thinking as well! Nel Wright chooses the normal life of a black woman marries and settles in the place of her birth. She is part of the tightly-knit black community. Sula Peace rejects this option outright. She escapes to a city, joins a college, and when she returns to her roots, she is a rebel. She decides to teach a lesson to the society that humiliated her in childhood. She mocks at the social norms, and she is a wanton sexual seductress. Her vicarious pleasure is depicted in her triumphant return to her village and she is extremely happy about the victory she scored by crossing the hurdles that she faced in her life due to the color of her skin. These two characters ably depict, with utmost sincerity to their own emotions, their suffering and enjoyment  in the light of various trials and tribulations that was part of their life and living. The Civil War in USA led to the physical liberation. The War for economic liberation began thereafter. In Sula Toni Morrison provides us with the real history lesson with the depiction of the black way of life, a society which still continues to be marginalized both from social and economic standpoints. â€Å"Through their girlhood years they share everything  perceptions, judgments, yearnings, secrets, even crime  until Sula gets out, out of the Bottom, the hilltop neighborhood where beneath the sporting life of the men hanging around the place in head rags and soft felt hares there hides a fierce resentment at failed crops, lost jobs, thieving insurance men, bug-ridden flour . . . at the invisible line that cannot be overstepped.† (Morison, 1973) Fences is the story of four generations of black Americans.  The torch of legacy of morals, attitudes, mores and patterns passes through stories. Troy Maxon is the principle character of the play. Being a black, the part of the marginalized society of America, how and why he had to scale down his dreams to adjust inside his run-down yard. The opening scene   begins with Troy Maxon and his trusted friend Jim Bono engaged in drinking and talking. The anguish of marginalization related victimization is evident, when he makes a formal compliant to his bosses, why only white men are permitted to drive garbage trucks for the waste disposal company. The deep impact of marginalization in Troy Maxon’s psyche is shown as he counsels his teenage son Cory Maxon when he is being actively recruited for a college football scholarship. His father discourages him, and tells him not to ignore other important responsibilities. Troy wants that his son should never haul garbage like him. Cory represents all the possibilities his father never had and the unmet dreams. Yet the father is unwilling to let the son go on the path chosen by him to improve his lot in life.  His apprehension is that the white-dominated sports will not let Cory progress, and break his heart. Troy had spent fifteen years in jail for robbery and murder, but he became an accomplished baseball player in the jail. After the release, when he could not get proper opportunities to display his skill, he is bitter and resentful at the chances lost because of the color of his skin. He wants to protect his son from facing such disappointments and turn cynical. It was due to marginalization that Troy’s life was full of difficulties, oppression coupled with bad luck. As a boy, due the abject poverty, he was denied education, he cannot even read. Marginalization is practiced all over the world, and it embraces humanity. In the Developed World, racial and ethnic minority groups stand out as the most marginalized. Then there are other classes like, the poor, the sick, the disabled, the obese, teenage unwed mothers, the elderly, the homosexuals and lesbians. These groups suffer from one form of marginalization or the other-unemployment, poverty, poor health facilities and lack of education and the like. How can we strive to end it? The question should be rather how we can mend it? The ending to marginalization can only be through mending the ways of the society. First of all, the affluent and the socially well placed members of the majority community should realize the grave injustice rendered to the affected society for centuries. Genuine repentance and willing acceptance to reform can only change the social structure. The change with-out can be achieved only through the change with-in. Society must have a will to change, and that is possible by the combined efforts of the government, social and spiritual organizations. It is high time that marginalization is given a ‘decent’ burial. References: Morrison, Toni, Sula: Excerpted from the book jacket: †¦ â€Å"In clear, dark, resonant language †¦ – 9k –Retrieved on May 21, 2007.                                 How to cite â€Å"Marginalization†by Chandrakant Mallya, Essay examples
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